Many studies have shown that clutter increases stress levels. While it may seem like organizing a home is stress-inducing, organizing can actually have real benefits when it comes to reducing stress levels and may even promote better health. Organizing your home may help lighten your stress load in the following ways.
Clean Bedrooms Are Conducive to Rest and Sleep
When a bedroom is filled with clutter, piles of laundry, and half finished projects, it can be distracting and anxiety-inducing. These types of distractions have proven to make it more difficult to relax and sleep. When your sleeping patterns are disrupted, it can raise stress levels even more, creating a vicious cycle. Clearing the clutter can make it easier to use the bedroom for only the things that it is supposed to be used for, helping to reduce overall stress.
Removing Unneeded Items Can Remove Negative Emotions
When there are items in a room that often go unused, those items may actually evoke emotional responses, such as guilt over not using them or annoyance that they are in the way. Taking a moment to remove or store unneeded items that are in the open areas of a room can save many future moments of having to move those items, removing the stress from the situation. As the appearance of the room improves, going into the room may actually elicit positive emotional responses.
Neat Offices Help to Boost Productivity
Offices, spare rooms, and other areas that are used for bill paying and similar activities often become catch-all areas for paperwork and clutter. Trying to get anything done in this kind of environment can be stress-inducing as you survey all the things that haven’t been done yet. Investing in furnishings to assist with organization (such as mail sorters or filing cabinets) and taking the time to go through paperwork before it builds up can help to boost productivity.
Organization Helps Avoid Missed Deadlines
When mail and other paperwork is disorganized, it increases the potential for missing utility bill due dates and other deadlines. Not knowing when things are due and having to constantly search for bills and important papers can be extremely stressful. Missing bills and paying late fees or having needed services cancelled can increase stress even more. Staying organized and on top of deadlines can help to alleviate stress and may even help you to save time and money.
Contact Closet Envee today so that we can help you get started on organizing your home and reducing your stress!